Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Frustrations of high school dance team coach

Hello folks,

Guys, I don't know about you, but I find working with teenagers exhausting. Was I really this difficult 6- 8 years ago? I love dance and I love teaching others to dance, but as the season gets more and more busy I find myself struggling to stay sane for the remaining weeks. I've composed a list of just a few of the frustrations I deal with on a daily basis.

Why coaching is aging me:

  • Girls being late to practice- if practice starts at 3:30, that doesn't mean show up at 3:30, that means get your butt moving because practice has started.
  • Girls skipping practice- I know what twitter is, I saw you tweet about going to the mall. Not cool.
  • Parent's lying for their child- who does that? Just admit you're letting your daughter skip practice and stop babying her, we still find out the truth eventually. No your precious angel does not still deserve to perform this weekend because she chose to put her social life ahead of the team. 
  • Unexcused absences- We have utilized facebook, email, and our own cell phones. You have zero excuse why you shouldn't be able to get a hold of us and explain why you can't be at practice. Furthermore we have told you at least ten different times that a parent needs to excuse you. This isn't rocket science. 
  • Dance groupies- girls who join the team to get the clothes and then quit. I want to punch you. 
  • Cell phones- touch your phone one more time at practice. I dare you.
  • Hypochondriacs- How can you possibly have so many illnesses/ issues with your body? If something is going to restrict your dancing every single practice, maybe you should look at a different activity.
  • My personal life- girls, stay out of it. I'm not your BFF, I'm your coach. What I do on the weekends when I am not working is none of your business. Don't ask me how much I drank or if I had sex with my boyfriend. Those are not appropriate topics.
  • Lack of respect- just because I'm not working with you personally at this moment doesn't mean I can't see you in the corner of my eye sitting there doing nothing. Stretch, practice a skill without me, help a girl struggling. I'm not your babysitter.
I don't know about you, but I feel better after getting that off my chest. If anyone else feels the need to rant about something that bugs them please feel free to either email me personally or comment below, I'd love to hear from people :)


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